Stay Tuned – #VoteGeek Contest Results!
With the craziness of Bride of Simian Showcase, I haven’t been able to tally the winners of our #VoteGeek Contest! Continue
With the craziness of Bride of Simian Showcase, I haven’t been able to tally the winners of our #VoteGeek Contest! Continue
Errol: Huzzah! We’re on the CBC Music Spotlight with Gunnarolla! How awesome is that?! Honestly, I wasn’t expecting that because we have no music videos of our song they could include… ^_^ Continue
Errol: It was my cousin’s birthday yesterday. She had a Great Gatsby themed party and said she had a bow tie and suspenders to lend me. Immediately, I knew what to dress up as. ^_^ Continue
Errol: Wow. It’s been how many days of this contest? And if CBC isn’t wishing I’d shut about this, the ‘serious’ musicians probably are. Hah!
Anyway, there have been some great articles out there covering this. Check them out!
If you know of any other blog that would like to do a quick promo, by all means, send them our way! ^_^ And next week? I think we should start letting CBCMusic know we mean business. I have some plans. Any of you guys got ideas? Continue
Errol: Our NINE HUNDREDTH COMIC! I have no idea what I’m going to do at a thousand.
I know I keep saying we’re not going to win, and believe it or not, that’s not a defeatist attitude. I’m not saying it with secret hopes of winning either.
But I can’t help myself, I want to throw 200% into my projects.
Some people go into projects knowing they will fail, and thus set themselves up to fail. I am not going to do that. I will go in, lasers blazing, and I will go out in a Death Star explosion of glory. I’m not afraid of failure.
Does that mean I don’t expect you to vote? No! With every vote, there is a chance that the geek music genre gets noticed. With every vote, there is a chance that one of us will advance to the next round. With every vote, CBC Music will find out that we have passionate fans!
Do you know what would be cool? It would be cool if Canadian Conventions, who are looking for geek musicians, could look at their own country and think, “Wow, we have a lot of bands to pull from!”
There are a lot of talented geek bands in Canada, and I want to find them all. I want to promote them.
I am not giving up. I will continue voting, and I will continue pushing this. And I need you guys!
Thanks for sticking around for 900 comics. Thanks for being with us all this time. We are small, we are unknown, but we will keep on geeking out as long as we can. ^_^ Continue
Errol: Look at it this way, folks. At least I’m not as bad as when I wanted to win the biggest Ghibli Fan TIFF contest, remember that? ^_^
Remember, reader comic submissions need to be in before April 8th, our 3rd year anniversary! Continue
Errol: Gunnarolla is in charge of the Searchlight Spotlights on YouTube, which helped me decide to join the contest because they hired him! That’s pretty impressive! I don’t think we will have time to make a video though. Sadness.
And for those of you wondering about the reader submissions, April 8th. April 8th is our 3rd year anniversary. THREE YEARS OF D&E! So, please get your comic submissions in before then!
Also, go check out our Simian Showcase post because we are performing there again this year! Three years! Continue
Errol: That’s right, the contest is underway! We need your help and you can win music from all the geek musicians that entered! Huzzah!
Debs: W00t! Canadian geek bands unite! Continue
Ok folks, we need your help. Continue
Join us at TIFF! Do you want to see why Errol constantly talks about Totoro? Do you want to see Debs & Errol live? Do you want to watch My Neighbor Totoro on the big screen? Are you in Toronto on January 2nd? If your answer to all of the above is a resounding YES,… Continue