Comic 1059 – “Morning Meetings”
Errol: Poor Alex. He doesn’t like Woo. ^_^ We had a great time at the Doubleclicks concert last night! They are awesome! Continue
Errol: Poor Alex. He doesn’t like Woo. ^_^ We had a great time at the Doubleclicks concert last night! They are awesome! Continue
Errol: This was the conversation I had with Debs on Thursday night. She didn’t expand on anything about these juggling balls. I guess they’ll be shared on the facebook wall or something. And sometimes Alex asks, “Why am I in the comic?” And my thoughts are always, “Why not?” Continue
Errol: We don’t wish to sensationalize this. We saw an attempted suicide. Instead of talking about the event itself in the comic, we are just going to process our own emotions in the next few days. Continue
Errol: The show was great on Friday. Check out Dan’s vlog for a review of the night! And yes, I played video games all weekend. It was grand. We finished Tomb Raider finally. ^_^ Continue