Guest Comic 1100 – SWG
Errol: I think we’re mocking me again. This one was written by our friend SWG. We even have an interview of him on geekbands Search for Geek! Continue
Errol: I think we’re mocking me again. This one was written by our friend SWG. We even have an interview of him on geekbands Search for Geek! Continue
Errol: The first guest comic comes from DZFaeley! I met her on twitter and the NaNoWriMo forums! I was shocked and overjoyed she wished to give us a webcomic! Huzzah! ^_^ Continue
Errol: To be fair, when we saw Brian, we were a bit more excited than “Oh. Hi Brian!” But it was late, and hard to fit everything in, and I had to get eight webcomics queued so give me a break. We’re in California at this moment. I’m probably awake. Which would make it 5:00… Continue
Errol: I relish waiting. That means I can sit and just relax. Maybe that’s why I like the TTC. Of course, I still need my phone or something. I don’t want to be left alone with my brain… P.S. Get those comics in! ^_^ And for those that don’t know why we’re in California: Night… Continue
Errol: Oh! I am starting to pull in comics for the guest comic! This is who I have: Paige, DZFaeley, and Nancy. Now, I may have missed one because they went all over and I scared I have missed some. So please, send us your comic! Email us at debsanderrol@gmail.com and make the subject “Guest… Continue
Errol: I don’t know when we had this conversation. We may have had it earlier in the day. Or on the Saturday. Who knows. But we had all sorts of conversations, that we did. It was a nice bonding time for me. ^_^ Continue
Errol: We had this discussion as well as many other ones during OVFF. When D&E first started, we failed many times. There were many audiences that gave us blank looks. Failure is important, because we learn to adapt from that. Those first few months of gigging was pivotal in helping us form our performance. Continue
Errol: A few weeks ago, we got a chance to listen to all the Nominees for the Pegasus Awards. Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff performed their song, Midichlorian Rhapsody live with about eight or so people on stage. It was super amazing and impressive. ^_^ All of us in the “Best Adapted Song” were pretty darn… Continue
Errol: Happy Saturday folks! I hope you’re doing awesome! Remember, we’re almost to 1100 comics, so please send your comics in! ^_^ Tweet them to us, email, whatever! ^_^ Continue
Debs: I’ve got to admit, I’m a little nervous about the next Star Wars movie. I think because it’s near and dear to me, I’m worried that it might not seem like my Star Wars, you know? Continue