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Tag Archives: Totoro

Comic 533 – “Glowy Goodness”

Comic 533 – “Glowy Goodness”

Errol: First off, I tried making the bologna egg bowl thing. It didn’t work out that well, but it still tasted good. Secondly, I have a picture of the glowy totoro on my geek knitting blog. Thirdly, I tweeted Neil Gaiman to help with our IndieGoGo campaign. Maybe we can get his attention. ๐Ÿ˜€ Manda:… Continue

Comic 519 – “Chibi Totoro”

Comic 519 – “Chibi Totoro”

Errol: I exaggerated in this. I really only have 3 Totoro’s and a fourth one that is half way done. ๐Ÿ˜€ Yes, Lyf, I am making you TWO just like you asked. That’s it, no more knitting Totoros. ๐Ÿ˜€ And for those of you on, you can check out my profile and add me… Continue

Comic 458 – “Party Themes”

Comic 458 – “Party Themes”

Errol: It’s also my eldest’s birthday party tonight too. That’s why I couldn’t go to Ja-Mez’s party. Sad sad. Oh! And did I put this on the website? No! Take a look at a short video from the Monkey Man show when we sing our Totoro song. Debs cracks and starts laughing because of some… Continue

Comic 400! Submissions!

Comic 400! Submissions!

User submissions! The first comic is with Jules Sherred and Matt Schubbe! If you remember, I’m part of an Indiegogo campaign to get this printed: Five Little Zombies and Fred. There aren’t many days left, so go check it out and get some perks!   Brian was the first one to mention that he wanted… Continue