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Comic 248 – “Whitless Songs”

Errol: Ok, I’m getting behind on things. I asked Manda to send me script ideas. She sent me one, and then… I changed it.

Whitless: At 1am this morning Errol asked if I would script the comic.  Being awake at 1am is not a common occurrence with me, but see I’ve been trying to write a song for the first time in my life and well, rhyming schemes don’t come easily to me.  Actually, song writing in general is pretty alien to me.  I usually leave it to the awesome people like Debs and Errol, but this song has been on my mind for a while so I’m finally venturing out!  I’m sure with practice it’ll be a quicker process but right now my neighbours are probably wondering what all of the dancing thumps and repetitive singing is about…

So 1am Manda whacked her keyboard for about 2 minutes and this is essentially what came out.  Errol changed a couple of things so that it didn’t look like I wrote it in 2 minutes at 1am and so that maybe people will laugh.

6 Responses to Comic 248 – “Whitless Songs”

  1. Whitless, what were you doing answering Errol at 1am? Also, next lines are “And he looked up and said ‘God’, Please let me find an alive Jimmy the Frog.”

    • @Manda, from everything I have heard from you and MP and Debs and you know, everyone who knows Errol, it seems like he is just like any of my friends. Never shuts up until he finds out that two can play that game, and then things normalize. Step 1: Let Errol talk. Step 2: Talk so much that Errol cannot talk. Step 3: ??? Step 4: PROFIT!!!

  2. I’ve met Errol. Quite a few times actually. Since I was born. And there’s no “game” he plays. Truly. So you can’t have two play the game. Because there just isn’t a game. There’s just Errol. And he’s weird.