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Comic 564 – “Con-G Panels”

Errol: Last night was a load of fun with all sorts of people! The night was hosted by The Dandies and we got to hang out with The Sufferettes, Devon Hyland, Jeff Clark and Kerl! I don’t know if the others had webpages, I looked and couldn’t find them. 🙁

Debs: And there was beer and open mic afterwards!

Errol: And this weekend… Con-G! HUZZAH! I’m so excited! I HAVE  A MIYAZAKI PANEL!

Debs: We are also performing! And don’t we have a panel too?

Errol: Right! Ya! That too!

Manpans: And we are doing a panel as well, and we are performing a skit!


57 Responses to Comic 564 – “Con-G Panels”

  1. At least at the moment Errol’s enthusiasm is quite focused- how will we cope when he hasn’t got a Miyazaki panel to focus it on?

    • In the US, since too many people were enjoying the good stuff too much, we have to supply picture ID to get it. That’s why Nyquil is no longer the “Nighttime sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever so you can rest medicine” . They took the pseudoephedrine out.
      I hate the assumption that I am a drugged up criminal..

    • Well… not together… unless the marshmallow is on the sweet potato… can use cinnamon to tie the whole dish together.

  2. Fine, if you are all for adding things…

    I’m TEAM Saag Paneer.

    And I’m TEAM Ox Tail.

    And I’m TEAM Tempura…

    And TEAM Oatmeal

    And TEAM Pork Belly

    And when I signed up for the Toronto 10k Run… I signed up as TEAM Totoro.


    • Ya know, if you’d just made this plants vs meat, it would have been a done deal…

      But hmmm maybe I could be Team Thai if we are going nuts about teams..

    • I figured you’d be TEAM Chips actually.. XD

      In reality I’m more Team Pasta (if we are going by what we eat the most of) or Team Sushi (favorite foods to eat) 🙂

    • If Manda starts Team Cheese and Crackers I’ll be all over it, but I don’t want to steal her thunder on that one.