About our Webcomic Book
Our first 300 comics in a book! Continue
Our first 300 comics in a book! Continue
Debs & Errol have something special for you! Continue
Debs, Manpans, Ja-Mez and I got a package from Jezbel and Lore Hera! They wanted to watch us open it, so we are recording it! 8pm, EST tonight. Hopefully! Continue
We have decreed this is a Debs & Errol Day. 😀 There is no comic, because Errol was up until very late making this thing. And here, listen to our song while you stare at this silly poster – An AT-AT playing a Ukulele. Continue
This was made by Jezbel. It is SOOO freaking awesome. 😀 Debs: Green over blue, HUZZAH! Hehehe! This is amazing! Continue
Errol: I didn’t think I’d get this done, but I did. So there may be glitches galore, but as a Christmas present, I created a Choose Your Own Debs & Errol Comic game. Just for you. There are about 64 comics inside of it, and it may be glitchy because I haven’t had time to… Continue
Errol: Ok, I have a problem. I can’t stop. This is my attempt at a photo realistic Totoro. I made it in photoshop out of chinchilla hair, and owl eyes. Continue
Errol: I have too much fun with these photos. You just wait. 😀 Continue
For Geek Pride Day – Crappy Photoshopping Continue