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Tag Archives: FAWM

Comic 261 – “FAWM Help”

Comic 261 – “FAWM Help”

Errol: Oh hey. It was my sister’s birthday last Sunday. Manda and I called her to wish her a happy birthday, because my sister is Manda’s biggest fan. It was the best birthday present ever! Whitless:  Yeah, just imagine how it felt to be called by Errol and asked “Can you be my birthday present… Continue

Comic 254 – “Family Day”

Comic 254 – “Family Day”

Errol: Ontario has “Family Day”, which is a stat holiday to tide us over during the long winter months. A lot of people here in Ontario get together to do all day song writing and whatnot. This year, there doesn’t seem to be any party, and I’m off to Snakes & Lattes, a board… Continue

Comic 246 – “ARCHIVE: FAWM Noob”

Comic 246 – “ARCHIVE: FAWM Noob”

Errol: Back in the day, Debs wrote songs for FAWM.ORG. I listened to them. She didn’t like that and tried to tell me in a roundabout way. She underestimated how dense I could be. In the end, she told me to just quit stalking her. Fast forward 5 years, I guess I never listened. Continue

FAWM Blog the First

  Debs: Errol thinks everyone wants to hear about our FAWMy forays.   Errol: What are you talking about? You wanted to blog about FAWM! FAWM, again, is February Album Writing Month, where participants aim to write 14 songs in 28 days (with an extra half song for the leap year this time).  Personally, I… Continue