Comic 438 – “Important Worries”
Errol: Yes, it’s a crazy schedule. We had a shoot on Sunday and then Tuesday. Then we have one on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. And I’m crazy tired… wow. I slept for 10 hours last night… Continue
Errol: Yes, it’s a crazy schedule. We had a shoot on Sunday and then Tuesday. Then we have one on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. And I’m crazy tired… wow. I slept for 10 hours last night… Continue
Errol: That’s right, there is a Filk concert this Saturday, September 29th! WHERE: Edithvale Park (roughly 131 Finch West, Willowdale) TIME: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Cost: Free! And open filking afterwards at 129 Holcolm if enough are interested. Featuring Heather Dale and include performances by the Stone Dragons, Debs & Errol, and a bunch of our… Continue
Errol: I did warn them. I kinda asked permission too! Look at me go! Trying to be tactful and all! 😀 Continue
Errol: I keep asking myself, “Why am I so tired?” Yes, we have non stop shooting, and when I’m not shooting, I’m editing… but still. And then I remember that Kelsey makes me run around like a little chihuahua. Continue
Errol: There are a lot of things I could comic about. Thursday was a day of shooting. We shot in the morning, starting at 10am. That went until 12. And then we had another shoot starting at 7pm and that went to about 10 or 10:30pm. This is consuming our lives. And I know… Continue
Errol: Just so you don’t think I’m the only one that does this, Debs does it too! I haven’t seen the footage yet though, but I hope to edit that soon. Thursday is a crazy day for us. We have a shoot in the morning for most of the day, and then we have… Continue
Errol: No, I don’t worry. I’ve been a geek all of my life. And all of my life, I have liked things that the majority of people I knew did not know or care about. But I enjoyed it immensely. Not everyone will like it. Not everyone likes Debs & Errol. I’m ok with… Continue
Errol: You know that awkward moment where you KNOW you can’t pronounce someone’s name, so you say it as quickly and quietly as you can, hoping they don’t notice. I do that all the time with Barbara’s name. Continue
Errol: Debs wrote a song for the Ingenue to sing for the Musical. (No, Blythe has no name now, I just call her the Ingenue. At least I capitalize it.) I need the instrumental though, and I didn’t really want to ask Debs until she had time. Which… she didn’t really ever have. Anyway, I… Continue
Errol: I think I mentioned I have a new Android phone. It eats up battery life like mad, but I do like the fact I can check mail on it. Yesterday was my wife’s birthday, so the poor musical crew got all the pics that I took of food, and family, and other things…… Continue