Comic 96 – “Perspective”
Errol: When Debs first saw my painting, she thought that Totoro’s body was a huge face and the branch was his arm. Seriously. Continue
Errol: When Debs first saw my painting, she thought that Totoro’s body was a huge face and the branch was his arm. Seriously. Continue
Errol: When Debs first heard the song, she didn’t know who Totoro was. But she likes Miyazaki. So all is forgiven. Continue
Errol: By the way, it was worse than this. What I couldn’t put in the comic because of length was us arguing about whether or not it should be cut. I thought it was fine long, and could be cut on processing. We argued about it being cut and in the end I did. Then,… Continue
Errol: If you remember a ways back when we were recording this, there was a double rainbow in the sky. Debs freaked out… as she is wont to do. The last line is pretty much true except for that ‘portent’ word. I had to look that up. Oh, and sorry this comic was late. We… Continue
Errol: Actually, a lot of these scripts… I want a hot dog. Ugh… so sorry, I just realized I was hungry and that just bombarded my thoughts. Now I need to get one. [30 minutes later. Had to wash dishes too] … Ok. I’m back. I was going to say that yesterday’s script and today’s… Continue
Errol: The only untrue thing here is that we don’t record together. We record at our respective houses. Other than that, she was not impressed when I said I was done. Continue
Debs: I’m a horrible perfectionist when it comes to vocals. Like really horrible. They take me forever. Give me easy-breezy one-take songs any day. Errol: Everyone thinks, “Poor Debs. She’s stuck with Errol as a bandmate.” But you guys haven’t tried recording with her. *LAUGH* I keed, I keed. 😀 Debs: With me? I don’t… Continue
Debs: Let me clarify something. It’s not all recording that I hate – it’s recording things that are permanent and therefore have to sound perfect. Actually, abhor is a better word. I absolutely ABHOR it. No wait, I have a simile: it’s like being crucio’d.[40] Errol: Yes. Yes she does. I have experienced this first… Continue
Debs: It’s cover time! We promised our “Majestic Viking Narwhals” (those who donated $50 to our CD project) that we would perform a cover of their choice on YouTube, so we’ll be posting more in the next few weeks. We’re starting off with a song our friend D.J. Sylvis chose: “Jetpack” by Jill Sobule. We… Continue
Errol: This past weekend is a milestone because our recording is done! Huzzah! We finished the recording for our upcoming CD and now it’s all up to Erik Didriksen, a fellow fawmer, who is mixing it for us! YAY ERIK! We did all sorts of fun stuff and took all sorts of videos, but in… Continue