Comic 1092 – “The Force Awakens”
Debs: I’ve got to admit, I’m a little nervous about the next Star Wars movie. I think because it’s near and dear to me, I’m worried that it might not seem like my Star Wars, you know? Continue
Debs: I’ve got to admit, I’m a little nervous about the next Star Wars movie. I think because it’s near and dear to me, I’m worried that it might not seem like my Star Wars, you know? Continue
Errol: That’s right, folks… I went there. I made the pun even worse. Continue
Errol: We had this argument on Saturday. Debs had a fun idea to invite Carlos and Leslie, members from her ‘other’ band, to come up and do backup vocals. Debs: Former other band 😛 However, we wanted them in costume but we didn’t have the helmets from the Imperial Guard. But we had access… Continue
Errol: Crazy, so many things we have to get ready for. We still haven’t practiced the song voted for. I don’t know how we’re going to do it. Oh well. Anyway, tonight is the Fan Fiction: Star Wars show! We’re playing a few songs but by the sounds of it, there will be wall to… Continue
Errol: What better way to celebrate May 4th but with a cheesy photoshopped Star Wars photo? It was going to be a lot more grand than this, but I still have to get a comic and a small video out. Darn… Continue