Errol: I like Sue. 😀 Poor girl, I was extra excited that night. Debs: I’m glad you like her. She is my friend and she is awesome! But her eyes are not brown and her hair isn’t red anymore. Yay, I’m glad she’s back in the comic! 🙂 Manda: Sue is super awesome! I was… Continue
Errol: One of the songs Debs will sing at the “Two Geeky For You” Concert on Monday is Mary Crowell’s Legolas. Mary Crowell is an amazing Filker and I stalk her all the time on Twitter. There is just no way I can play like her but I will still try. Debs, on the other… Continue
Errol: Debs told me that she had a conversation similar to this with Sue. In fact, there was this posted on Debs FB wall from Das Binky: Lucy: Daddy, she has a BEAUTIFUL voice. John: Yes, she does. How about Errol? Lucy: I think… Does he have a cold? But did he tag me?? NO!… Continue
Errol: You know, if I were certain unnamed people, I would be complaining I haven’t been in the comic for a while. Continue
Errol: Leezet will probably complain the comic is also not named after her. Never satisfied. For the record, this comic idea wasn’t mine. 😀 Wow I have a lot of characters. And, I also recorded Leezet’s response to this comic. I password protected it so that no one else could see and she got to… Continue
Errol: Not much else I can say on this comic. 😀 Other than I sure hope Debs keeps up her habit of not reading them… Continue
Errol: We either go for pho too much, or our waitress stalks us. I hear this actually happened! You know, just because the comic is daily, doesn’t mean that Debs and I hang out daily. 😀 She would go insane if she had to talk to me every day! Btw, I’m away on vacation with… Continue
Errol: I like Sue. Well, she isn’t called Sue, from what I hear, she’s called Susan, but I call her Sue because she’s not around to correct me. Anyway, I hear a form of this conversation actually happened. I’m glad that comics are having a visible effect on people. 😀 And Penthelia singers also have… Continue
Errol: One day I’ll get back to us recording songs. One day. Continue