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Author Archives: Errol

Comic 475 – “Grooming”

Comic 475 – “Grooming”

Errol: Huzzah! I’m so excited! It’s our first con! 😀 Oh crums, I don’t have a vehicle this weekend. I better go rent one! Whitless: Actually, I ALSO get my eyebrows done before a show :D.  Unless I play a character that has to be scruffy…which often times, I do.  Because I have a funny face,… Continue

Comic 472 – “He Cometh”

Comic 472 – “He Cometh”

Errol: We were at a writing session last night for Nanowrimo. I will have you know, I have not been to a writing session (other than the overnighter) for almost two years. And yet… AND YET… This happens. 😀 Whitless:  Okay, not everyone in the room closed their laptops (well, one guy did), but everyone… Continue