Our New Web Design!
Do we have a new web design by the awesome Jules and Skookum Monkey? Yes we do! Suggestions welcome Continue
Do we have a new web design by the awesome Jules and Skookum Monkey? Yes we do! Suggestions welcome Continue
We are getting close to 700 comics and so I want your submissions! ^_^ Here’s a theme even: D&E and your fandom! You can interpret that any way you wish. Heck, if you think of an awesome comic, you don’t even have to follow that theme. Please, send submissions to debsanderrol@gmail.com Due Date: Friday, July… Continue
Manda pointed out a mistake in Errol’s comic, so it’s been delayed while he tries to fix it. Sorry folks! Continue
The eHermit: Since Debs, Errol and Manda are so completely wiped out today after their AWESOME 2nd Anniversary Party, I decided to step in and do a comic as a favor for them. It’s kinda like how when Bil Keane was out and Billy would fill in and draw the Family Circus comic for the day. Continue
Errol: Allo all. It’s late. Sorry, up till 3am doing spintunes things. I do have a comic in the works though, so it will go up this weekend. Don’t know when though. But not the normal 8am. Who checks things on the weekend anyway. Continue
Sorry guys, the comic will be late for Saturday. We were up late judging the Spintunes contest. And then Debs and I argued. She’s always upset when I tease her. Sheesh. Continue
Hey all! So, Manpans gave me the idea that we should hang out with Leezet on Google Hangouts. Who’s in? Day: Today Time: 10pm EST Click the link to join: http://debsanderrol.com/hangout Or watch if you’re intimidated: Continue
(Ok… Not really.. But Errol doesn’t know that I’m writing this post.) It’s Brian Layman – The eHermit here! So… Errol gave me permission the other day to fix anything that’s broken or add anything I saw that the site really needed… I’m not sure if he meant to give me carte blanch permission to… Continue
… is coming. I’m still waiting on a few submissions. Was there a call for submissions? Yes. But I only did it once on facebook. So please be patient as I wait for the final submission to come in. That means, of course, you have a chance to send in one while I wait.… Continue