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Category Archives: Community

Comic 514 – Choose Your Own Comic Adventure! Yes! It’s a Game!

Comic 514 – Choose Your Own Comic Adventure! Yes! It’s a Game!

Errol: I didn’t think I’d get this done, but I did. So there may be glitches galore, but as a Christmas present, I created a Choose Your Own Debs & Errol Comic game. Just for you. There are about 64 comics inside of it, and it may be glitchy because I haven’t had time to… Continue

Suggest Comic Bios!

I am finally getting around to comic bios! Huzzah! I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile, but things got busy. However now that the site is stable, I can get this going again. I have put four principle characters in the bio, but I would like to put EVERY character, with a link to… Continue