Comic 385 – “Old”
Errol: Heh, Debs sent this to me yesterday and I found it quite amusing. 😀 Debs: Verbatim again, I’m afraid. Errol, there shouldn’t be a question mark in the second panel after “do” 🙂 Continue
Errol: Heh, Debs sent this to me yesterday and I found it quite amusing. 😀 Debs: Verbatim again, I’m afraid. Errol, there shouldn’t be a question mark in the second panel after “do” 🙂 Continue
Errol: You know, I’m forgetting if I wrote this by myself, or if Debs helped. I can’t remember anymore. Kelson: THE CHEESECAKE IS NOT FOR YOU! Geez, try and do a good deed, and Errol puts it into a comic. And Debs wrote this, I never told you what kind of cheesecake I make. Errol:… Continue
Errol: For the record, Jim DID say I could call him Jim. Debs: Hey! This looks nothing like him! He was supposed to have a hat and a Soul Motivators shirt! Continue
Errol: The problem with being male and having female creative partners is that you have to eventually reassure them that you don’t like them in a romantic way. When you are an old, unattractive male, they all naturally assume you are some creepy guy that just wants some nubile fling! Debs: I never assumed…GARRRRRRRRRRRGH! Isn’t… Continue
Errol: I should make a comic character with every person I collaborate with. And then put them all in a comic. Bwa hahahaha! 😀 *sigh* I wish I had more time. Continue
Errol: Why does Alina hate boardgames? WHAT’S WRONG WITH BOARDGAMES? *sigh* Continue
Errol: Woops, sorry, this was late. I was debating on whether or not I should intersperse other comics that wasn’t about Alina. But then… I was exhausted last night. 😀 Continue
Errol: Every time we hit a hundredth, we get people to submit them! Huzzah! Thank you! Thank you so much. As I mentioned on the Facebook wall, I don’t know what is going to happen to this band, but I am having a lot of fun being part of it, and interacting with you guys… Continue
Errol: Debs doesn’t like this comic. Why? Because I was ‘labeling’ it. She didn’t want me labeling it. But… that’s the whole point of the comic. And so I told her, “But that is what I would say!” And she said, “And that’s what I would respond.” So… ya. This comic is going up. Continue
Errol: I thought I had this posted, but I didn’t. And I remember why, because Debs and I were arguing about what the next comic should be. I had this week all scripted, and she wanted to preempt me with comics that don’t need to happen right this minute! Look, I’m all for someone else… Continue