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Tag Archives: Debs

Comic 992 – “Expressing Happy”

Comic 992 – “Expressing Happy”

E: I was a bit more blunt and a lot of that didn’t make it into the comic. She’s the one that took them out of the comic. Poor Debs.

D: Yeah, I wanted to soften some of the play-by-play while still getting it all across. We ran through many revisions of it. Scripting this arc was extremely difficult for both of us because it meant reading back over the old conversations and continuing to work through a lot of what came up.

E: For those of you that wish to start from the beginning of the arc, check Comic 986. Continue

Comic 991 – “Issues”

Comic 991 – “Issues”

Errol: If anyone is looking for a course in conflict resolution… don’t ask us to facilitate it. *laugh*

Debs: Yeah, what Errol said.

Errol: Oh, and I will have a comic on Sunday because I don’t want to prolong this any more than I have to. For those that want background to this Arc, please check Comic 986. Continue

Comic 989 – “We Fight”

Comic 989 – “We Fight”

Debs: I know I shouldn’t say this, but my last line in this one makes me laugh. 😛 Okay, back to the serious thing. Errol and I are so opposite in a lot of ways, and that makes things really difficult sometimes. What doesn’t help too, is that a lot of our communication is over chat where we frequently misread each other. Again, see comic 986 for an explanation of this comic arc.

Errol: Yes, for those joining us for the first time, we’re not ending the band! So… uh… how are the rest of you?

Comic 988 – “Why?”

Comic 988 – “Why?”

Debs: Yes, we’re actually going to add the disclaimer that the band isn’t ending to every comic in this arc. Please check Comic 986 for an explanation of why we’ve gone uber serious for a bit.

Errol: This was hard. How do you tell someone this?

Debs: It was hard, but saying it was a good thing. Still, I don’t think this was news to me, and I certainly find it hard to work with Errol too, a lot of the time.

Errol: I don’t think anyone is questioning the difficulty of working with me. ^_^ Continue

Comic 986 – “It Begins”

Comic 986 – “It Begins”

Errol: Hey folks, first off: THE BAND IS NOT ENDING! We don’t want you guys thinking we’re quitting. We’re not quitting. However, this comic is about the band. And although it’s an altered reality, we do try and put real things in this comic.

And this conversation is one of them.

This is a risky move. Very risky for both of us. We talked about whether or not we should include this in the comic arc. However, it was a huge event in our band lives. So… we figured we’d give you a small glimpse into our lives.

Debs: A more serious glimpse anyway. This is a conversation that we had near the end of February. Deciding to put this into the comic was a heavy, heavy thing, but it can’t be all fun and roses all the time, right? Don’t be scared though, guys. We’re expecting that comments and questions will happen throughout this arc and we’ll respond as openly as we can. Continue