Comic 890 – “New Job”
Errol: Huzzah! I get to ride with someone on the Subway! ^_^
Debs: * Laughs * Commuting with Errol actually helps me be more on time, plus it has completely cured me of caring how I look in pictures. Continue
Errol: Huzzah! I get to ride with someone on the Subway! ^_^
Debs: * Laughs * Commuting with Errol actually helps me be more on time, plus it has completely cured me of caring how I look in pictures. Continue
Errol: And that’s it! Bye Bye, Orycon! Thanks so much for the fond memories. I wish I could have included all of them, because there were MANY people we met, there were many panels we did, and a lot more memories that I couldn’t put all down. Ah well. I have a document. I guess we should have done a blog. Continue
Errol: The last dinner that we had was with Angela of The Doubleclicks. We’ve talked about them a number of times, and I’m sure most of you know who they are! ^_^ It was just great to meet up with so many people! Continue
Errol: We found out that the song we wrote didn’t have to be written. We just had to perform a song we all kinda knew. To be fair, I think it was me who misheard Debs and thought that we had to write a song. It was fun to write under pressure though! Continue
Errol: It was an awesome podcast, and I had so much fun chatting with Seattle Geekly that it went for almost three hours. Uh, I hope they were ok with that.
And if you’d like to listen to the podcast, you can find it on their site! Huzzah! I sound like a freak again. Continue
Errol: We got a chance to meet with Seattle Geekly. It was so awesome to sit and chat all night about geeky things. ^_^ Continue
Errol: Seriously, how DO we exist as a band? ^_^ Continue
Errol: The more I do this Orycon series, the more I realize I am missing so much stuff to put in. *sigh* Continue
Errol: I wish I could cosplay. I was super excited to see the Mandalorians there. ^_^ Debs: I knooooowwwwwww! Maybe if we ever make like…a ton of band money, we can get awesome costumes! Weeeeeeeee! They are super nice guys too, and crazy knowledgeable about the Mandalorian language 😀 All hail the amazing Mandalorian Mercs! Lizette: Hey,… Continue
Errol: We were so lucky! Continue