Comic 896 – “Vote Geek! CBC Music Searchlight”
Errol: That’s right, the contest is underway! We need your help and you can win music from all the geek musicians that entered! Huzzah!
Debs: W00t! Canadian geek bands unite! Continue
Errol: That’s right, the contest is underway! We need your help and you can win music from all the geek musicians that entered! Huzzah!
Debs: W00t! Canadian geek bands unite! Continue
Errol: Tonight, An Evening at the Merril. All sorts of Filk and Geekiness! If you’re in Toronto, you should come! ^_^ Continue
Errol: Oh, if you haven’t checked out our Newsletter, you should. It has details on all sorts of things! This is the only time we’re sharing it live! I’m just excited about it because I wrote it. 😀 Continue
Errol: We have a newsletter! We talk about things in the newsletter, like our shows, our videos! Sometimes, we put up an exclusive comic. Join! Be part of the nerd kids!
Debs: Was it my responsibility? It probably was. But the plugin we were using was SO FRUSTRATING! MailChimp is just so much better! I could send newsletters all the time now. And it’s also cool because we can track things like open rates! I think 44.5% is pretty good for a newsletter 😀
Also, this is post #1111 on the site, so make a wish!
Errol: “Send newsletters all the time now”… right… Continue
Errol: Yes, we’re talking about our Sherlock song again. Debbie’s mom really liked it. And Pop Mythology wrote about it as well, a tad bit surprised at my ‘darker’ side.
And yes, I totally envision Debs in a 1930’s jazz club singing this. ^_^ That’d be awesome.
Anyway. The 900th comic is coming up in a week. I know I said I was going to do something else, but I’m not now. So. Who’s up for reader submissions? Continue
Errol: This is a legitimate question. Do we post too much stuff? Now that I have Instagram, I’m like posting pics of Debs and I all the time. Heck, you should see my personal FB page, it’s even worse.
So, you people are our audience, we’d really like to know, do we post too much stuff? I know, I’ll make a poll! Continue
Errol: Huzzah! I get to ride with someone on the Subway! ^_^
Debs: * Laughs * Commuting with Errol actually helps me be more on time, plus it has completely cured me of caring how I look in pictures. Continue
Errol: And that’s it! Bye Bye, Orycon! Thanks so much for the fond memories. I wish I could have included all of them, because there were MANY people we met, there were many panels we did, and a lot more memories that I couldn’t put all down. Ah well. I have a document. I guess we should have done a blog. Continue
Errol: The last dinner that we had was with Angela of The Doubleclicks. We’ve talked about them a number of times, and I’m sure most of you know who they are! ^_^ It was just great to meet up with so many people! Continue
Errol: We found out that the song we wrote didn’t have to be written. We just had to perform a song we all kinda knew. To be fair, I think it was me who misheard Debs and thought that we had to write a song. It was fun to write under pressure though! Continue