Comic 1077 – “NaNoToons Again!”
Errol: I got Kari Maaren to help edit NaNoToons this year! I wish I had the foresight to do D&E ahead of time so it could get edits. Wouldn’t that be nice? ^_^ Continue
Errol: I got Kari Maaren to help edit NaNoToons this year! I wish I had the foresight to do D&E ahead of time so it could get edits. Wouldn’t that be nice? ^_^ Continue
Errol: I’ve known Mags Storey for over 20 years. She was first a personal friend, and then a family friend, for a very long time! She and Kari were at my place for Thanksgiving dinner. Apparently there was an Indiegogo promise to put her in a comic but I forgot about that. I’m so sorry,… Continue
Errol: Kari made her Kickstarter!!! HUZZAH! We’re so happy! ^_^ Debs: Yay Kari!! I have obsessively been checking every single day as a really weird morning routine 😀 SO AWESOMEEEEEEEE!!! Kari: Yep. The project was fully funded by early Monday morning. Errol congratulated me via chat. He did it again on Tuesday. And again on… Continue
E: The Doubleclicks are performing tonight at the Silver Snail! Go check it out! We’ll be there along with a whole host of Toronto Geek Bands! ^_^ Continue
Errol: Loaded title, loaded topic. I admit ignorance to the definition of friend-zoned and the connotations. I want to add ‘pincers’ to my alliteration. Continue
Errol: You know, I never really care about being first. But then I saw Kari’s tweet, and I immediately had to see if I could be first! And I was, by ONE MINUTE! Talk about a close race with someone who didn’t know she was being raced. If you are a fan of Kari and… Continue
E: Tonight! Tonight is the Listening Party with Press Start 2 Play! These folks are awesome, and so are The Blast Processors! So if you are in Toronto, come check it out. We’ll be playing Kari‘s Trekless song and hopefully we won’t destroy it! Debs:Â Haha, I think it’s pretty much a given that we’ll destroy… Continue
Errol: Good grief, it took me a long time to find a pic which had Debs and her guitar. Man, we keep talking about other things other than actually being…you know…musicians. We want to perform a cover of Kari’s Trekless for Press Start 2 Play’s EP release tomorrow! If you’re in Toronto, you should come… Continue
Errol:Â We don’t wish to sensationalize this. We saw an attempted suicide. Instead of talking about the event itself in the comic, we are just going to process our own emotions in the next few days. Continue
Errol: Yes, when I bring up google chat with the folks, we have our traditions. Kari: Yes. This happens. Every. Day. Continue