Comic 1043 – “Cumberbatch Again”
E: I honestly didn’t want to be within ten km of where Cumberbatch is. I think he’s awesome, but the crowds would have been insane. Continue
E: I honestly didn’t want to be within ten km of where Cumberbatch is. I think he’s awesome, but the crowds would have been insane. Continue
Errol: I know what type of shows my sister would like. I knew she would like Densha Otoko. I knew she would like Sherlock. But I didn’t know she would turn it into a creepy Benedict obsession. And now, she has latched on to Community. Sometimes I wonder if she works or not. Continue
Errol: This was a conversation we had. Leezet does know Patrick Stewart though. Continue
Errol: Leezet is still surprised when people are interested in the band and they aren’t people I personally know. Continue
Errol: For some of you who are newer, you probably don’t know I have a sister who was in the webcomic a lot. She has a unhealthy obsession with Benedict Cumberbatch. She even has a membership at some theatre in the UK because he’s performing there for Hamlet or something. Does she live in the… Continue
Errol: I was chatting with Leezet and Manpans last night. And a conversation similar to this happened. I was trying to figure out which comic to do for today, and this pretty much clinched it. Continue
Errol, from the whole community, we wish you the best of days! You’ve inspired us all! Happy Birthday Errol From All of Us! And an Extra thanks to Lore Hera for all the work she put in on this video!!!! Things mentioned in this video: Every Major’s Terrible [Parody] XKCD’s “Every Major’s Terrible” 3Geeks in… Continue
Errol: I wonder how the Filk con is! I imagine we had tons of fun! 😀 (Yes, this was posted two days ago.) Debs is probably mad at me. Manpans is probably anxious. I’m probably annoying someone. Nothing changes in our world. Continue