Comic 609 – “Sibling Differences”
Errol: More conversations with my seestair. Poor Leezet. Continue
Errol: More conversations with my seestair. Poor Leezet. Continue
Sunday, tonight at 8:00pm EST. We will be discussing writing! Special Guest: Errol’s sister Leezet! Continue
Hi Mercenary Pen, You’ve been a part of all our lives for so long. It’s unforgivable that we forgot to celebrate how special you are. But thankfully, I am a bonafide geek and can incorporate all your fandom preferences in a humorous and relevant way! Continue
Errol: I’m lucky enough to remember my kids’ birthdays. They’re into that sort of thing because they’re spoiled. I don’t know how old Leezet is now. She’s old though. Debs: Happy Birthday!! Manda: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZETTE! Continue
Errol: Who knows what’s happening now. Maybe I’m sleeping. Or maybe my roommate has killed me. Debs: Or maybe you’re eating chips on my bed as I update this. 😛 We have Internet! Manda: Con-G! CON-G!!!!! I am nowhere near prepared! (seriously, I was supposed to rehearse last night but instead spent almost all of… Continue
Errol: Leezet brought this up not too long ago. I didn’t know she was still wanting to be in the comic. 😀 Our relationship is a lot like this. If you ever listen to anything where she and I interact, it’s not much different than this. 😀 But we do talk almost every day. Now,… Continue
Errol: I didn’t think I’d get this done, but I did. So there may be glitches galore, but as a Christmas present, I created a Choose Your Own Debs & Errol Comic game. Just for you. There are about 64 comics inside of it, and it may be glitchy because I haven’t had time to… Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! And finally, the last one I do believe, this one is from my Brian! Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This one is from Kelson who gave two alternate endings. 😀 Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This one is from my seestair, Leezet. Continue