Comic 182 – “Behind”
Errol: Wow, Dex must be tired. She posted this as a page, so it went into the menu as opposed to a blog post. And then… she has me call her “Dex”. That’s awesome! 😀 Continue
Errol: Wow, Dex must be tired. She posted this as a page, so it went into the menu as opposed to a blog post. And then… she has me call her “Dex”. That’s awesome! 😀 Continue
Errol: When I turned and saw her on the floor, I wondered if that was part of the dance. I wish I saw her fall. 😀 For those that don’t know, this was for the awesome parody song that Debs sung. She is amazing. I am so proud of my bandmate. Continue
“Okay fine. I’ll sing it, but I am not, NOT wearing a crazy whatever the heck she is wearing.” So Errol really wanted to do a parody of Lady Gaga’s “The Edge of Glory” for NaNoWriMo. He thought it would be a fail because he had never heard me sing with an edge like that… Continue
Errol: Yes, Debs said that yesterday’s comic was the last overnight comic. However, when she told me Joseph said this, I just had to put it in so that you all don’t think I’m making it up! However, I think the joke has worn thin and Debs is not all too pleased I keep teasing… Continue
Debs: Okay, this is the last overnighter comic, I swear! Aerilyn was one of the people I met and she’s been following the comics for a while. She wanted to explain to me why she likes my comics better than Errol’s (because they’re unique! Even when you copy-paste the smiles in they’re never in exactly… Continue
Debs: I know I say this every time, but man did this comic take a long time. So this is still a NaNoToons crossover and we’re still at the overnight. Errol really was running around the room for hours screaming his head off for absolutely no reason. We were in the loud room, but still! … Continue
Errol: Sadly, this is not true. We WERE going to do a gig at the Toronto Nano Overnighter, but then we realized that a) We have no time to practice b) I have no time to print out our nano songs c) I didn’t want to lug stuff and worry about the equipment all night.… Continue
Errol: That’s me. Super lucky guy. Why, I had girls not talk to me for years! Continue
Errol: So this comic was supposed to be tomorrow’s comic, and then I didn’t have a Friday comic, but then this just popped into my head while doing it so now I have a comic for Friday. All good. Continue
Errol: Some people may wonder at me keeping the comic close to being true when I add fictional characters in. Well, the thing is, this sorta thing happens all the time. So… the spirit is true. That’s the point. Men go gaga over this girl. Do I get females oggling me?? No. That’s probably for… Continue