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Author Archives: Errol

Exciting News! ORYCON 35!

(Share Clip) Errol: Just in case you haven’t been following Twitter or Facebook, we were invited to Orycon 35 for November 8-10th, 2013. They are flying us out and we are the Filk Guests of Honor! This is so exciting for us! We’ve only performed outside of our city three times, and that in our… Continue

Comic 616 – “Car Snacks”

Comic 616 – “Car Snacks”

Errol: Who remembers Sid Meiers game Colonization? Who remembers when it was being developed there was a big bru-ha-ha about whether or not to include slaves in the game. In the end, they settled on indentured servants. Remember that? I do. Manda: Yup, this happened too. I actually feel bad…I never did peel that orange…my… Continue

Comic 612 – “Winky Face”

Comic 612 – “Winky Face”

Errol: You know, this was difficult to keep to our normal standards. I may have slipped a bit. Is this a conversation we had? Yes. Manda: This conversation totally happened. I am a freak-bag. Poor Errol. And yes, I don’t know what it is about that stupid winky face, but it makes me run for… Continue