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Author Archives: Errol

Comic 523 – “SpinTunes”

Comic 523 – “SpinTunes”

  Errol: How awesome is that? We get to be judges for Spintunes! I have heard about Spintunes before, but never got involved. However, the comic is pretty much right, Debs and I rarely agree on anything. That’s why I always wait for her to leave the band. 😀 And it’s during FAWM too. That’s… Continue

Comic 520 – “2013 Starts”

Comic 520 – “2013 Starts”

Errol: You know how New Year’s starts off with a bang? Not our comic. I think we will eventually do a newsletter Year in Review in case you missed anything and in case you haven’t signed up for our newsletter. Don’t worry, we send it out… once every two months, so it’s not that onerous.… Continue

Comic 519 – “Chibi Totoro”

Comic 519 – “Chibi Totoro”

Errol: I exaggerated in this. I really only have 3 Totoro’s and a fourth one that is half way done. 😀 Yes, Lyf, I am making you TWO just like you asked. That’s it, no more knitting Totoros. 😀 And for those of you on, you can check out my profile and add me… Continue

Comic 517 – “Not Entirely Accurate”

Comic 517 – “Not Entirely Accurate”

Errol: My fam is over. We keep going to see movies. And I have to do chores. This is getting in the way of my knitting. I’ve restarted the project so many times now, I’ve lost count. Debs: Heh. I’m leaving him in not blue. Errol, you can knit at the movies, you know 😀… Continue

Comic 515 – “Knitting”

Comic 515 – “Knitting”

Errol: Yes. I learned to knit. 😀 Here’s a pic of me knitting and a small excerpt from my post on Facebook! It’s 2am. WHAT?! Good grief. Anyway, I learned a lot of things tonight. I learned how to do a normal Knit and then also a Purl. Look, the knitted monstrosity looks like a… Continue