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Author Archives: Errol

Comic 498 – “Membership”

Comic 498 – “Membership”

Errol: That’s right! We want your comics today! For those of you just joining, every 100 comicsweI get the users to submit their own Debs & Errol comics. The only restriction is that it is G-rated, and you somehow include us in it. It can be just Debs, it can be just me, you can… Continue

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Comic 496 – “2^10”

Comic 496 – “2^10”

  Errol: Last night was Nerd Mafia’s Secret Santa Pub Night! Huzzah! I got a knitted Dalek! (Debs: Errol, it’s crocheted, not knit. You should know these things. Your wife knits!) And I was excited because it was so bouncy. The new character is Amber, who I met a couple of times through Nanowrimo. She was… Continue

Comic 494 – “Pho Sadness”

Comic 494 – “Pho Sadness”

  Errol: You know, I tell myself every November not to take on more stuff. And yet I do. I even decided to finish off my novel so I didn’t have to worry about that, and still, I took on more than I can chew. Good grief. I have to figure out next year! *laugh* Continue

Comic 493 – “TGIO”

Comic 493 – “TGIO”

Errol: If I have to perform with Debs and we don’t practice, I don’t worry. I’m … just a tiny bit worried about tomorrow. *laugh* But then again, it’s more of a fun thing, so not really. OH! And check out West of Bathurst again. MANPANS IS MENTIONED! Poor Manpans. 😀   Whitless: I tried… Continue

Comic 492 – “Announcing Our-“

Comic 492 – “Announcing Our-“

Errol: As a reminder, every 100 comics I get the users to submit their own Debs & Errol comics. The only restriction is that it is G-rated, and you somehow include us in it. It can be just Debs, it can be just me, you can just talk about us in passing! I need to… Continue

Comic 490 – “West of Us”

Comic 490 – “West of Us”

Errol: Yes! We appear in Kari’s West of Bathurst webcomic! And the crossover will go for two weeks! How exciting is that! 😀 HUZZAH! Oh, and I should also mention, for those of you who don’t know, every 100 comics I get the users to submit their own Debs & Errol comics. The only restriction… Continue