Comic 250 – “There And Then”
Errol: Debs wanted to do this comic for today. I said we probably should wait till the weekend where she has more time to draw. Then I figured, she’s right. It should be today. Poor Debs. Continue
Errol: Debs wanted to do this comic for today. I said we probably should wait till the weekend where she has more time to draw. Then I figured, she’s right. It should be today. Poor Debs. Continue
Errol: That’s our Alina. Always looking out for me. I think. I don’t really know, actually. I hope someone is. Debs: My mom was confused as to why Errol was confused when she commented yesterday that she felt sorry for him. ย Turned out that she thought the ‘thud’ yesterday was a door being slammed in… Continue
Errol: HUZZAH! I’m back in the comics! Sadly, I had a whole HOST of ideas for Alina, James P Sheridan, and Manda, but Debs and I need to make up because we’re so close to finishing the mixing that we have to be ready to pop that comic up. ๐ Oh well. Alina: I am… Continue
James P Sheridan: Angry Debs makes Bald Guy sad. ๐ Whitless: I’m sure I’m in this comic somewhere…maybe I’m in the fetal position on the ground speaking in tongues, because I dislike confrontation!ย Why can’t we all just get along and play some Monopoly?ย That cures any fight!ย And starts twenty more, but still!ย It’s… Continue
James P Sheridan: Oh yay I get to be in a comic with Alina, I love Debs mom! This should be fun while poor Manda has her melt-down. I can’t believe that Errol makes me the rational one in these. ๐ Wait why can’t Alina look hot beside me?! ๐ Whitless: If Wheatley were… Continue
Errol: You know, I don’t know how much background to give to these comics because I don’t know if I will use it yet in a comic. Debs sent me a conversation she had with Alina, and I split it into two comics. I’m not all that keen on the wording in this comic, because… Continue
Errol: I saw Alina last night (she is Debs’s mom). She said “Hi” to me and then immediately asked why she’s not in the comic. I could turn it into an Alina & Errol comic but she doesn’t understand any of my songs. ๐ Continue
Errol: Happy Birthday Alina! And sorry I forgot to put this comic out. I’ve been playing boardgames almost every day this week. Crazy. Continue
Errol: Why does Alina hate boardgames? WHAT’S WRONG WITH BOARDGAMES? *sigh* Continue
Errol: Woops, sorry, this was late. I was debating on whether or not I should intersperse other comics that wasn’t about Alina. But then… I was exhausted last night. ๐ Continue