Errol: I didn’t think I’d get this done, but I did. So there may be glitches galore, but as a Christmas present, I created a Choose Your Own Debs & Errol Comic game. Just for you. There are about 64 comics inside of it, and it may be glitchy because I haven’t had time to… Continue
Errol: Debs wrote this. I just added me in the end, because I do that. Wanna blurb, Debs? Debs: Sure! I think this was about verbatim with Deej, anyway, who is always asking me if I want to sell the cats. We did have a good trip, but getting that work news in the midst… Continue
Errol: Deej keeps asking this on our FB page. Thing is, most of the stuff I do is based off of real life. I COULD actually start doing made up plotlines… what do you guys think of that? Continue
Errol: This is based on a true story. Or at least a true gmail chat. Except for the cats. Which is good, because I’m allergic. Whitless: It’s hard to have a conversation with Errol now without the threat of it being put in the comic. You can almost predict the moment when he’ll suggest it. … Continue
Errol: Thus ends their saga of “Day without Internet”. It was a long and sordid affair. Join the Forum discussion on this post Continue
Errol: I may have misinterpreted this comic… but hey, that’s how I read it when she sent me the script. And I did some changes so I could get Ja-Mez’s real name in there. Although, admittedly, Debs did lecture me about being online too much… so I don’t know why she was all bent… Continue
Debs: Just so y’all know, I didn’t come up with the title. I’m not entirely sure how it relates to anything either. Errol: That’s what MODEM stands for. Join the Forum discussion on this post Continue