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Tag Archives: Errol

Comic 923 – “Manga”

Comic 923 – “Manga”

Errol: During the Simian Showcase, we got to see Michael again, whom we met at our very first Simian showcase three years ago! He lives in Japan and got me the Totoro Manga! There were four volumes! It’s awesome! ^_^ Continue

Comic 920 – “Taxes Done!”

Comic 920 – “Taxes Done!”

Debs: Errol hates taxes with a burning passion, so they’re my job. This is the second year we’ve filed for the band, and the pattern is pretty much established. I get to them to the point of near completion a few weeks in advance, then I email Errol a list of things that I need him to look for and/or fill in, and a deadline. Then the deadline passes. Then I prod him a few times. Then I go, “Seriously, I need to file asap” and then gets me the info and I file and I am happy. Then I give him a pretty, pretty form that his accountant can just copy-paste from.  Continue

Comic 918 – “Good Friday”

Comic 918 – “Good Friday”

Errol: A bunch of guys at my church were wanting to dress up for Easter Sunday. I want to wear my bow tie and blazer. I don’t know if I can convince my wife of it. I promised to leave the sonic screwdriver home though! Continue

Comic 917 – “/geekfactcheck”

Comic 917 – “/geekfactcheck”

Errol: When SWG told me about this, I panicked. I went online to verify that his claim was true, and it was.

I was crestfallen. However, I also have the Activision Version on my ipad and I checked it, and from what I can see, the first part is correct. This made me happy. And relieved.

Too much drama for one day. Continue