Comic 384 – “Authorship”
Errol: Huzzah! A comic I didn’t write! 😀 Debs: Kelson just makes it so easy 🙂 Continue
Errol: Huzzah! A comic I didn’t write! 😀 Debs: Kelson just makes it so easy 🙂 Continue
Errol: You know, I’m forgetting if I wrote this by myself, or if Debs helped. I can’t remember anymore. Kelson: THE CHEESECAKE IS NOT FOR YOU! Geez, try and do a good deed, and Errol puts it into a comic. And Debs wrote this, I never told you what kind of cheesecake I make. Errol:… Continue
Whitless: If ever you feel that your board game nights are dull, then you clearly need an Errol. Everything is exciting for him. If you REALLY want adventure, get two Elumirs involved. Board game night is fun! Errol: Hee hee, yes, my 10 year old joined me. She’s louder than me. Snakes and Lattes has… Continue
Kelson: So, um… yea. Nerd Night decided to throw a picnic at the park, and the Mafia heard about it, and so they crashed it, and it just turned into this massivly nerdy thing while we were all outside for some reason. Massivly nerdy in that I had a conversation about Stargate, how the… Continue
Errol: Do I have time to play games? No. Do Manpans and I have to write a musical? Yes. And what am I doing? Loading up addicting games. *sigh* Kelson: It’s not just any Steam Sale, it’s the STEAM SUMMER SALE!!! …I already bought Indie Bundle 1, and not even the first day is over.… Continue
Errol: I probably shouldn’t wait for ideas for the comics the day before they go out. Well, it’s better than a few months ago, where I was waiting for ideas the morning of. Kelson:Â This is almost a perfect transcript of our conversation for once… As to why Errol changed the site, I have no… Continue
Errol: There are an awful lot of cat pics on Reddit. Kelson: I really don’t pull punches most of the time, but when Errol goes on like this it works to shorten things. While cats and dogs and various other creatures of Reddit are amusing, Errol is often much more “hey I’m doing a thing!”… Continue
Errol: We have a gig tonight. Kelson is going to mention how this comic is not verbatim of our conversation. Yes, I combined two things together. It’s BASED on our lives, but it ISN’T our lives. 😀 Kelson: No, this is pretty well our conversation. It’s just… Errol is ALWAYS offline, and when I… Continue
Errol: I keep going to these meetups. They’re all younger than me… and inebriated. 😀 Kelson did introduce me to a cool drink though! Kelson: “Yes, Errol and I went to a Reddit meetup. Why? Because it was Saturday; and Errol, being the eternal fountain of energy, and I, being the typical Redditor SAP until… Continue
Errol: Yes, this was an actual gmail chat. And I even did it while she was still talking to me. Join the Forum discussion on this post Continue