Comic Submission 500 – ManPans
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This one is from Manpans. Poor girl. Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This one is from Manpans. Poor girl. Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This one is from my seestair, Leezet. Continue
Debs: HUZZAH! I’m really proud of you guys! Errol: I was typing in all caps again. It’s done. It’s finally done. Manpans wrote something mushy on the musical site. And for those of you who haven’t seen it, here it is! Continue
Errol: Last night was Nerd Mafia’s Secret Santa Pub Night! Huzzah! I got a knitted Dalek! (Debs: Errol, it’s crocheted, not knit. You should know these things. Your wife knits!) And I was excited because it was so bouncy. The new character is Amber, who I met a couple of times through Nanowrimo. She was… Continue
Errol: Yes, I just finished reading West of Bathurst. It seems everyone and their mother was commenting about it in the comments, and there were all these characters popping up in the crossover, and I didn’t know who they were and so I had to read it! And now I feel sorry for the regular… Continue
Errol: If I have to perform with Debs and we don’t practice, I don’t worry. I’m … just a tiny bit worried about tomorrow. *laugh* But then again, it’s more of a fun thing, so not really. OH! And check out West of Bathurst again. MANPANS IS MENTIONED! Poor Manpans. 😀 Whitless: I tried… Continue
Errol: Poor manpans posted this on facebook the other day, and after we did the podcast last night, she brought it up again with an air of frustration that made my heart all aglow. It’s times like these that I think it’s all worth it. And just for those that need ‘pics or didn’t… Continue
Errol: Wednesday morning was a rollercoaster. First, our Nanomusical CD IndieGoGo Campaign didn’t work. We were seriously stressed and bummed out. Then it worked and we got over a $1000 dollars in under an hour! We were over the moon with excitement! And the above conversation is pretty much all true… except for my last… Continue
Errol: We’re having problems. *sigh* That’s one reason this comic is late. The other is that I slept in. Manpans thought I was dead. What an awful way to launch our Nanomusical CD campaign! And I didn’t have breakfast either. I’m hungry now. Edit: It’s up! Huzzah! 😀 And we already have over a $1000… Continue
Errol: Poor Manpans… this is pretty much true again. She was getting nervous for us because we didn’t practice. Debs and I are used to that. Of course, I was still hungry, so Manpans and Debs did a quick run to get us food. They got back in time to see most of Kari’s concert!… Continue