Comic Submission 818 – Meli
Meli: Christmas Day last year was the first time I read a Debs & Errol comic. It was the choose your own adventure one. So technically Christmas is my 1 year anniversary! Continue
Meli: Christmas Day last year was the first time I read a Debs & Errol comic. It was the choose your own adventure one. So technically Christmas is my 1 year anniversary! Continue
Meli: This was a last-minute drawing, and I didn’t really have a good idea for it. I tried: the Toroto, the lightsaber, Pinkie Pie, a (fail) portal, and the apple tree from Animal Crossing- this was the best I could do to show a few fandoms combined with each other. Continue
Meli gives us 42! a parody of 22 by Taylor Swift She even sings it in a video!!! It feels like the perfect time to celebrate Errol’s life Since it’s his birthday, uh uh uh uh It feels like the perfect time for Errol to express joy Biggest NaNo Fanboy, uh uh uh uh Well,… Continue
Every 100 comics, I get readers to submit their own in. This year, I am separating them all into different posts! This comic is from our very own Meli! So sorry that it’s pixelated! (Brian: De-pixelated! ) Debs: Ooo, I like it! It’s kind of like “Where’s Waldo”! Continue