Errol: To be fair, Manpans mom has seen our NaNoMusical and has also been super supportive. 😀 Poor manpans was texting me like a fiend this morning but I was in bed. This song makes me unreasonably happy. @neilhimself retweets a lot of people How many of them write a song about it? youtube.com/watch?v=4vFWRS… —… Continue
Errol: Wow. That was so much fun, but so crazy! We were on air for SEVEN HOURS! And there were a lot of you WITH us that whole time. Wow. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. 😀 Did we raise our goal for our IndieGoGo campaign? Sadly, no, but we did raise money. I think… Continue
Donate to our NaNoMusical’s IndieGoGo campaign! Continue
Errol: Debs is off meditating somewhere. And we have a Telethon this Sunday. I really should start advertising that or something. And I finally fixed Manpans’s comic character so I can include her in the comic! Huzzah! Yes, I still have to fix all the characters. *sigh* Manda: I was BROKEN?! And YAY TELETHON!….I still… Continue
Errol: I am not the meditating type. This is not to say people don’t need to meditate. I know of some who do. In fact, there is this service at my church where all they do is meditate for an hour. I don’t go to that. Debs: I like how you say “all they do… Continue
Errol: Of course, if I actually do this, that means I would be knitting mini totoros for the rest of my life. Oh well, at least I’ll get good at doing them. Debs: Any excuse to knit, eh? Errol:Â If you are interested in having a CD of the NaNoMusical, please look at our IndieGoGo Campaign!… Continue
Debs:Â HUZZAH! I’m really proud of you guys! Errol: I was typing in all caps again. It’s done. It’s finally done. Manpans wrote something mushy on the musical site. And for those of you who haven’t seen it, here it is! Continue
Errol: Yes, I just finished reading West of Bathurst. It seems everyone and their mother was commenting about it in the comments, and there were all these characters popping up in the crossover, and I didn’t know who they were and so I had to read it! And now I feel sorry for the regular… Continue
Errol: Poor manpans posted this on facebook the other day, and after we did the podcast last night, she brought it up again with an air of frustration that made my heart all aglow. It’s times like these that I think it’s all worth it. And just for those that need ‘pics or didn’t… Continue