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Tag Archives: NaNoMusical

Comic 596 – “Home Alone”

Comic 596 – “Home Alone”

Errol: To be fair, Manpans mom has seen our NaNoMusical and has also been super supportive. 😀 Poor manpans was texting me like a fiend this morning but I was in bed. This song makes me unreasonably happy. @neilhimself retweets a lot of people How many of them write a song about it?… —… Continue

Comic 527 – “Meditation”

Comic 527 – “Meditation”

Errol: Debs is off meditating somewhere. And we have a Telethon this Sunday. I really should start advertising that or something. And I finally fixed Manpans’s comic character so I can include her in the comic! Huzzah! Yes, I still have to fix all the characters. *sigh* Manda: I was BROKEN?! And YAY TELETHON!….I still… Continue