Sunday, tonight at 8:00pm EST. We will be discussing Let’s Play with special guest Dan Charrington! Watch or email us to join the podcast! 😀 EDIT: Last minute tech issues!!!! STAY TUNED!!!!! *panic* Continue
Errol: 3 Geeks in a Pod, the podcast we do on a semi-weekly basis, is going to try and stay more regular with our podcast and a video live stream on youtube! Remember all the fun from the streamathon? Well, we hope to keep it to just 1 hour. It will start at 8:00pm EST,… Continue
Errol: I didn’t think I’d get this done, but I did. So there may be glitches galore, but as a Christmas present, I created a Choose Your Own Debs & Errol Comic game. Just for you. There are about 64 comics inside of it, and it may be glitchy because I haven’t had time to… Continue
Errol: Yes, I just finished reading West of Bathurst. It seems everyone and their mother was commenting about it in the comments, and there were all these characters popping up in the crossover, and I didn’t know who they were and so I had to read it! And now I feel sorry for the regular… Continue
Errol: And… I also have to finish the Nanowrimo Musical as well. *sigh* I was SO exhausted today, I slept in until 12pm! I usually get up at 8! I think the excitement from yesterday really wore me out! Continue
Errol: I came up with about 3 scripts… all of them about this dumb musical. Ugh… it’s consuming my life. Didn’t even play Terraria yesterday. Of course, I did play two games of Agricola with my daughter. 😀 Continue
Errol: Woops, I accidentally uploaded this at 300 dpi. Well, considering none of you have seen it at that resolution, why not, take a gander at it. 😀 And yes, my sister is here, and we did the podcast last night with her! It was all sorts of fun! 😀 And Ja-Mez, took a vid… Continue
Errol: That’s Leezet in the last panel. Funny, I don’t have a colour for her. Since she wears labcoats since she’s a doctor, I guess I’ll stick with white. Continue
Whitless: Errol’s determined to keep this feud a thing. I don’t think Ja-mez and I have ever really mentioned the whole Spiderman thing for a while…then again, I haven’t actually SEEN Ja-mez in a while, so that might be the reason :D. Ja-Mez: Hey you spelled Spider-Man correctly in the comic! 😀 My nagging is… Continue