Comic 384 – “Authorship”
Errol: Huzzah! A comic I didn’t write! 😀 Debs: Kelson just makes it so easy 🙂 Continue
Errol: Huzzah! A comic I didn’t write! 😀 Debs: Kelson just makes it so easy 🙂 Continue
Errol: Why is this comic late? It’s Bryan’s fault. Totally his fault. He set up a Terraria server. 😀 Anyway, to be fair, Debs doesn’t text back because her plan only allows… five free texts, or something like that. Of course, she still treats my texts like they’re email. Or snail mail. … or maybe… Continue
Errol: I’m currently uploading something to youtube, so my internets is extra slow. Just now, while I was waiting for the screen to appear to upload an image, I went to tumblr. I almost got lost when I remembered I was doing the comic. Again. I do this ALL the time. EVERY night. Sometimes, I’ll… Continue
Errol: There are an awful lot of cat pics on Reddit. Kelson: I really don’t pull punches most of the time, but when Errol goes on like this it works to shorten things. While cats and dogs and various other creatures of Reddit are amusing, Errol is often much more “hey I’m doing a thing!”… Continue
Whitless: You’d think I’d have learned by now. You’d THINK! If I was a fish, I would be the first one to bite the hook. Continue
Whitless: Now this conversation IS exaggerated. Here’s how it usually goes. Errol: Poor manpans, I talk about the band too much! Manda: It’s okay, I don’t mind. Errol: You DO mind! You’re bored, aren’t you? BORED! Manda: No, I’m really not. Errol: I’m sorry manpans that you’re so bored of me! Manda: Errol, I’M NOT… Continue
Errol: This is almost the conversation I had with Manda last night. I can’t remember the specifics, but I love how Manda describes Debs as flowers, yoga and vegetables. Ok, I may have added the vegetable part. Whitless: Once, just once I would like to have a text conversation and not be in fear that… Continue
Whitless: Have you ever been texted by Errol? If you have, you know it happens frequently, and for me this is especially the case right before I go onstage. He claims it’s to calm me, but I remain skeptical :D. Then he’ll accuse me of ignoring him which I am because…well, I’m onstage actually performing. … Continue
We didn’t get a wack of reader submissions, but then again, I didn’t push it as much since we were trying to get the CD and the show’s all worked out. 😀 But we did get some, so here they are! Continue
Errol: I didn’t have a comic today. Debs said that we needed to do one this weekend, but then she kinda went off somewhere and I don’t know where she is. So, instead of working on the comic, I was working on something else and then I found out that my eldest daughter, Ekko, couldn’t… Continue