Comic 936 – “Key”
Errol: This comic was Leezet’s idea. Sadly, I don’t have time to make a puzzle hunt, but man, would that be fun! Continue
Errol: This comic was Leezet’s idea. Sadly, I don’t have time to make a puzzle hunt, but man, would that be fun! Continue
Errol: I have so much Totoro stuff… I’m so happy. First the mangas, now these, oh man. Totoro Heaven. ^_^ Continue
E: Our geekbands.ca download cards are here! That’s right, if you catch me on the street, I will give you one of these babies for free! HUZZAH!
Unless, I’m not carrying them. Hmmm… maybe I should carry some… Continue
Errol: Whew. The last two days have been insane. It’s weird feeling bombarded, I’m usually the one doing the bombarding. Oh, and this is NOT me being passive aggressive, so for some of you that like to blame yourself, it’s not you.
There has been a number of cool things that have been coming up and it’s a lot of things to juggle in my head. ^_^
The good news is, I’m playing Ocarina of Time with my eldest. Awesome! Continue
Errol: Yes! We have launched a new endeavour to help Canadian geek band and geek band listeners! Check out http://geekbands.ca and if you can think of a geeky band, please, do tell us!
It also have a Canadian Con List as well as a list of Geeky blogs! A lot of those YOU helped research for us. Thank you so much!
And if you see us at a con, ask for a download card! We are giving them away (you newsletter folks would have gotten one though!) Continue
We’re launching a brand new project: GeekBands.ca! Continue
Errol: Yes, we are launching something new on Star Wars day! It’s geeky, so it’s appropriate. ^_^ Continue
Errol: That’s right, folks… I went there. I made the pun even worse. Continue
Errol: You should sign up for the mailing list. It’s going out this Sunday, I think, and we are giving away free things. Free things you may not have. It may be geek music. So… sign up! Continue
Errol: Some of you may have seen this on Manda’s facebook wall. Well, I figured I should make it into a comic.
I’ve been quiet as of late on the internets! Sorry, I’ve been tired and working a lot on! If you’re not part of our mailing list, you may want to sign up. Continue