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Author Archives: Errol

Comic 586 – “Panel Panic”

Comic 586 – “Panel Panic”

Errol: I don’t remember much. I do remember being confused on what show was happening when. That didn’t help with Manpans anxiety. Poor Manpans. Manda: This is how well Errol knows me. I said almost none of these things. I thought ALL OF THEM. I do remember that at that point, everything was pretty much… Continue

Our Pi Day Song! :D

First off, I apologized profusely for the lack of Google Hangout. I owe you guys. We talked to NaNoWriMo for an hour and it was a lot of fun. They probably think Canadians are really strange now. Anyway, here’s our Pi Song. Debs: Ah! We’re flipped! Errol, I think the pie got to your head.… Continue

Comic 582 – “OLL Google Hangout”

Comic 582 – “OLL Google Hangout”

Errol: Tonight! What fun! Tonight! We’re going to hang out with Grant Faulkner and hopefully some of the staff from The Office of Letters and Light (the guys who run National Novel Writing Month).  Watch the fun around 7pm EST at! Debs: Hey..this isn’t accurate. I didn’t say stalking, I went to the NaNo… Continue