Comic 925 – “Late Nights”
Errol: We are going to sleep in our own beds as opposed to staying at the hotel for Filk Ontario. Boy, we’re tired. Continue
Errol: We are going to sleep in our own beds as opposed to staying at the hotel for Filk Ontario. Boy, we’re tired. Continue
Errol: All I really want is our pic to show up on the side when you search Debs & Errol in google. ^_^
Let’s hope that our Debs & Errol Wikipedia page sticks and no one deletes it! Continue
E: We’re off to FilkONtario this weekend! I sure I get my knitting prepared by then, but I don’t see when I’ll be able to do that. Continue
Errol: Slowly, slowly catching up on band stuff. Continue
Debs: Errol hates taxes with a burning passion, so they’re my job. This is the second year we’ve filed for the band, and the pattern is pretty much established. I get to them to the point of near completion a few weeks in advance, then I email Errol a list of things that I need him to look for and/or fill in, and a deadline. Then the deadline passes. Then I prod him a few times. Then I go, “Seriously, I need to file asap” and then gets me the info and I file and I am happy. Then I give him a pretty, pretty form that his accountant can just copy-paste from. Continue
Errol: Yes, I have secret projects on the go. I always do… This will be the first weekend I can relax though… wow! We’ll see if I do that. Continue
Errol: A bunch of guys at my church were wanting to dress up for Easter Sunday. I want to wear my bow tie and blazer. I don’t know if I can convince my wife of it. I promised to leave the sonic screwdriver home though! Continue
Errol: When SWG told me about this, I panicked. I went online to verify that his claim was true, and it was.
I was crestfallen. However, I also have the Activision Version on my ipad and I checked it, and from what I can see, the first part is correct. This made me happy. And relieved.
Too much drama for one day. Continue
Errol: Taxes… blargh… Continue
Errol: PICTURES! STILL WANT EM! Please send us a picture of you with #VoteGeek? That’d be awesome. Will we use it in public? Yes. Yes we will. Just send it to our email please: debsanderrol@gmail.com And yes, I made a fourth parody video for #Searchlight. Going BACK TO THE 80’S! #VoteGeek For #Searchlight! We made… Continue