Con 926 – “Back From The Con”
Errol: I am… so tired from this con. And I didn’t even do much except sit and knit. I think the driving was tiring for me. ^_^ Continue
Errol: I am… so tired from this con. And I didn’t even do much except sit and knit. I think the driving was tiring for me. ^_^ Continue
This weekend, Debs & Errol will once again be attending the filk convention FilkONtario! Continue
Errol: Tonight, An Evening at the Merril. All sorts of Filk and Geekiness! If you’re in Toronto, you should come! ^_^ Continue
We first met Wax Chaotic at Filk Ontario this past April, where Katt was an Interfilk guest. They took the stage by storm with a commanding stage present and powerful songs that make you go “Hell, yes!” Today we’re chatting to both Katt and Sean about their music, how they got started and their recently launched Kickstarter Campaign! Basic… Continue
Errol stalks geek musicians on twitter and he came across Hello, The Future as he was following links from other geek musicians. He chatted away to her as he does to almost everyone that runs into his Sphere of Engagement and, much to Errol’s delight, she responded back. A few months ago, Errol and Nerds… Continue