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Tag Archives: Kari

Comic 917 – “/geekfactcheck”

Comic 917 – “/geekfactcheck”

Errol: When SWG told me about this, I panicked. I went online to verify that his claim was true, and it was.

I was crestfallen. However, I also have the Activision Version on my ipad and I checked it, and from what I can see, the first part is correct. This made me happy. And relieved.

Too much drama for one day. Continue

Comic 848 – “Partners”

Comic 848 – “Partners”

Errol: We had this conversation yesterday. And then I tweeted it. All sorts of conversations about Debs happens without her knowing. Poor Debs.

Debs: Hey! People like my solo songs. Are you saying our songs aren’t good? Continue