Comic 877 – “Dinner Plans”
Errol: We had a lot of panels that weekend. It was so fun. I love panels. And, we made plans with the PDX Broadsides for dinner! HUZZAH! Continue
Errol: We had a lot of panels that weekend. It was so fun. I love panels. And, we made plans with the PDX Broadsides for dinner! HUZZAH! Continue
Errol: Btw, sorry about the last comic. I didn’t set it properly to show up on the front page. Continue
Errol: Ya, we were getting really close to missing our panel. You can’t sacrifice breakfast! No second breakfast! Continue
Errol: This was happening when the first Hobbit was in theatres, so Denny’s had a Hobbit breakfast special! I think I just had eggs and bacon. Continue
Errol: Just looking at this makes me tired. ^_^ Continue
Errol: Orycon continues! We had an awesome concert that Friday night at Orycon! ^_^ Continue
Errol: Althene and Battlepoet heard about us through the first announcement that we were coming to Orycon. They were very helpful and friendly and Althene helped find a keyboard rental which was super awesome because we were stuck otherwise! ^_^ She also brought her parents to the concert. I think they think we’re weird. ^_^ Continue
Errol: Ha ha, Comic Errol is jealous! ^_^ To be fair, Debs is pretty awesome. A lot of people do like the Debs! I’m sure something like this happened after the concert.
Debs: No it didn’t, Errol!! Comic Debs and real Debs completely deviate here because reading this makes real Debs cringe. Continue
Errol: I talk about creative flow in our Creativity Panels. I find it fascinating. ^_^ Continue
Errol: I make it difficult for actors to find a cue when I start going off on tangents when I deliver scripts… Continue