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Tag Archives: OryCon

Comic 858 – “Opening Ceremonies”

Comic 858 – “Opening Ceremonies”

Errol: To be fair, we did not need to memorize our parts for the opening ceremonies. I eventually did, because I was on crutches and didn’t want to try and read from crutches. Fortunately, we had small parts. 

Manpans: And I have hit an official rock bottom. I felt guilty for a creative choice that I had no part of. Go me. Continue

Comic 857 – “Music Store Trip”

Comic 857 – “Music Store Trip”

Errol: For those of you who have no idea what’s happening, last November we were Guests at a convention in Portland, Oregon called Orycon. I was on crutches because I sprained my foot. And when the border is white, the comic is in the past. When the border is black, the comic is in present day.

Now you’re all caught up. Ok, not really. Continue

Comic 853 – “OryCon Recollections”

Comic 853 – “OryCon Recollections”

Errol: Huzzah! Orycon comics!

Debs: Breakfast! It was the guest of honour breakfast! We were driven there by a lovely lady, I am pretty sure her name was Kathy. Liz Gorinsky from Tor and her friend Miki (ahh, spelling!) were in the car too! And I gave you my bacon – you had SO MUCH BACON! How could you forget the bacon? Did I just spoil tomorrow’s comic?

Errol: Honestly, I’m shocked you remember. Continue