Lore Hera: Part of this conversation actually happened. Sort of. Meli allowed me to try and draw her New Leaf persona with my poor art skills. Please do not hold any of this against her, lol. Also, to any Sims 3 fans, today is the day. Dragon Valley. Dragons and Elves get to mix with… Continue
Paige: I thought I had sent in the comic a day late, but I guess it was on time? Possibly even a day early? Huh. Maybe time turners do work like that. I wouldn’t know, I’m not a wizard. That would imply that I was male, which I am most definitely not. Also, I got… Continue
Meli: This was a last-minute drawing, and I didn’t really have a good idea for it. I tried: the Toroto, the lightsaber, Pinkie Pie, a (fail) portal, and the apple tree from Animal Crossing- this was the best I could do to show a few fandoms combined with each other. Continue
Tarina: My original idea was to have them meet some of my characters in their world… but for that to happen, I needed a portal, and before I knew it the entire comic was about the portal. It took around six hours to make, because I wanted to shade all of it properly… I do… Continue
Jon: This is technically true – lasso is the only thing I know how to use, and poorly I must add. I think I mutilated a bubble. 🙁 Don’t ask me how I did the template. Jon: I was given no lesson – just the tip to use lasso. Photoshop makes my head hurt –… Continue
Jezbel: So my comic is hopefully on a Thursday. When I originally drew it I had planned out when comic 700 was going to happen and put the corresponding background in the panels. Then Errol did a Sunday comic. Gah! Luckily he’s now doing this comic a day thing so it should be on the… Continue
Mercenary Pen: This was a last minute thing for me, because I keep telling myself that I’m decidedly mediocre when it comes to digital art- and even now the evidence supports that theory. But then I ran the numbers on Sunday and worked out that comic 700 was going to fall on Manda’s birthday-… Continue
Debs, Manpans, Ja-Mez and I got a package from Jezbel and Lore Hera! They wanted to watch us open it, so we are recording it! 8pm, EST tonight. Hopefully! Continue
We are getting close to 700 comics and so I want your submissions! ^_^ Here’s a theme even: D&E and your fandom! You can interpret that any way you wish. Heck, if you think of an awesome comic, you don’t even have to follow that theme. Please, send submissions to debsanderrol@gmail.com Due Date: Friday, July… Continue