Huzzah! We’re going to Con-G, an anime/geek convention in Guelph! Continue
Errol: And finally, the Con-G thread comes to a close! If you don’t get the reference, you will have to see the Comic 571 – “Road Trip”. Debs: Hahaha! That was awesome 😀 Also, iMatt. Manda: Yeah, it’s one of the only knock-knock jokes I’ve ever laughed at and enjoyed, the other being interrupting starfish.… Continue
Errol: I gave my Yakko finger puppet to Rob Paulsen and wrote a little bit about it on my knitting blog. Did I mention he was very nice? All three of us were pretty star struck. And yes, this is a Sunday comic. Just trying to get them all in. Happy Easter! Debs: He did… Continue
Errol: Actually, I had a lot of fun at this panel! I thought it went quite well. In fact, we wrote a song with our participants and we have it right here for you to watch! 😀 Debs: Hey! We know “I Knew You Were Trouble”. We parodied that too, remember? And I totally know… Continue
Errol: This girl was awesome. I wish I remembered her name. I had an amazing fun time during this panel. 😀 Manda: Her name was Ariana actually! And the panel was awesome. It’s a good thing I didn’t participate actually, everyone was hardcore fans and would have murdered me for my lack of knowledge.… Continue
Errol: HUZZAH! MY MIYAZAKI PANEL! I want to do a Miyazaki panel at every panel I go to!! Btw, I played “To the Moon” yesterday. There was a Miyazaki reference. I was happy. 😀 Manda: I was definitely confused when I saw the Miyazaki panel circled. I love him, but I’ve only seen half his… Continue
Errol: There was a dance! Huzzah! I like dancing! That’s our friend Matt. He watches the podcast. And we went for pho together. Can you guess what his favourite fandom is? 😀 Manda: I’ve actually known Matt for ten years now! We went to university together and lived in the same residence, Artz Haus (aka,… Continue
Errol: Manpans had to remind me of this. I made a box. I like origami. I like making boxes for some reason. I met someone there that knew who I was from NaNoWriMo. That was cool. I didn’t get her name though. I had my Debs shirt on, so they could pick me out. …… Continue