Errol: We have this talk, Debs and I. And yes, we saw Amanda Palmer’s TED talk, but it still doesn’t make it any easier. Continue
Errol: Yes! We went to the Simian Showcase last night! Huzzah! If you are in Toronto, check it out! And then later tonight, we are hosting for part of the Nanowrimo Stream! Hopefully we can get information for that. 😀 You know what’s interesting? The Simian Showcase and Debs & Errol started at the same… Continue
Errol: Hey guys, truth be told, calling people who listen to us ‘fans’ is uncomfortable to us. I don’t mind calling Debs’s boys “Debs Fans” because… well… she has a lot of them. Debs: …oO However, after Monday night’s show, I really just want to scream out I totally love our fanbase. You guys are… Continue