Lore Hera: Part of this conversation actually happened. Sort of. Meli allowed me to try and draw her New Leaf persona with my poor art skills. Please do not hold any of this against her, lol. Also, to any Sims 3 fans, today is the day. Dragon Valley. Dragons and Elves get to mix with… Continue
Paige: I thought I had sent in the comic a day late, but I guess it was on time? Possibly even a day early? Huh. Maybe time turners do work like that. I wouldn’t know, I’m not a wizard. That would imply that I was male, which I am most definitely not. Also, I got… Continue
Tarina: My original idea was to have them meet some of my characters in their world… but for that to happen, I needed a portal, and before I knew it the entire comic was about the portal. It took around six hours to make, because I wanted to shade all of it properly… I do… Continue