Allo! My name is Errol! I call myself NaNoWriMo’s biggest fanboy, which is presumptuous, yes, but I can’t help myself. NaNo excites me to no end. It is where I first met Debs, and because of that, this band came to be. For those unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it’s a challenge to write fifty thousand words… Continue
NaNoWrimo is running an amazing, awesome, stupendous Writing Marathon today, and we’re helping out by manning the livestream for an hour. We are going live at 6pm EST. Join us here! 😀 If you want to follow the twitter live chat, the hashtag is #NaNoThon! Continue
Errol: Yes! We went to the Simian Showcase last night! Huzzah! If you are in Toronto, check it out! And then later tonight, we are hosting for part of the Nanowrimo Stream! Hopefully we can get information for that. 😀 You know what’s interesting? The Simian Showcase and Debs & Errol started at the same… Continue
Errol: To be fair, Manpans mom has seen our NaNoMusical and has also been super supportive. 😀 Poor manpans was texting me like a fiend this morning but I was in bed. This song makes me unreasonably happy. @neilhimself retweets a lot of people How many of them write a song about it? youtube.com/watch?v=4vFWRS… —… Continue
Errol: I still feel really bad about last night. We totally enjoyed hanging out with the OLL team and we made them talk to us for an HOUR. I think some of them wanted to go home. *LAUGH* Poor guys. But we talked about all sorts of stuff, and they just let me talk about… Continue