Comic 919 – “Future Projects”
Errol: Yes, I have secret projects on the go. I always do… This will be the first weekend I can relax though… wow! We’ll see if I do that. Continue
Errol: Yes, I have secret projects on the go. I always do… This will be the first weekend I can relax though… wow! We’ll see if I do that. Continue
Errol: A bunch of guys at my church were wanting to dress up for Easter Sunday. I want to wear my bow tie and blazer. I don’t know if I can convince my wife of it. I promised to leave the sonic screwdriver home though! Continue
Errol: When SWG told me about this, I panicked. I went online to verify that his claim was true, and it was.
I was crestfallen. However, I also have the Activision Version on my ipad and I checked it, and from what I can see, the first part is correct. This made me happy. And relieved.
Too much drama for one day. Continue
Errol: My friend Erin, who I met during the Searchlight contest, is still in the top 10 for her region. If I share her CBC Music Searchlight link, I enter her contest where she is offering a CD and a cover a song of my choice!
Errol: Taxes… blargh… Continue
Errol: First off, I am SUPER APPRECIATIVE of your support. I was hesitant of putting this comic up because it sounds like I am taking it all for granted. I’m not. I am surprised by the dedication I am hearing from a lot of you when it comes to voting and you are awesome.
And the further we get in this contest, the better chance of us finding more and more of our audience! In fact, just with what we have now, I have introduced more people to the wonderful world of geek music! And not people that needed to be convinced, but those that would actually be interested! That’s awesome!
However, it is tiring. And although it’d be amazing if we did get into the next round, that would mean even more work because I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to this. And I haven’t done my taxes yet either. Oh Well! We’ll find out this afternoon!
Thanks again, guys! And win or lose, I plan on taking the pictures you’ve given me and making it a collage for our FB page! ^_^ So if anyone wants to send in more pictures of #VOTEGEEK, that’d be awesome! Continue
Errol: PICTURES! STILL WANT EM! Please send us a picture of you with #VoteGeek? That’d be awesome. Will we use it in public? Yes. Yes we will. Just send it to our email please: debsanderrol@gmail.com And yes, I made a fourth parody video for #Searchlight. Going BACK TO THE 80’S! #VoteGeek For #Searchlight! We made… Continue
Errol: PICTURES! WE WANT PICTURES! Well, I want your pictures. Debs doesn’t even know what I’m doing with them. Actually, I don’t even know what I’m doing. Probably will make a collage. Just like the comic says.
Please send us a picture of you with #VoteGeek? That’d be awesome. Will we use it in public? Yes. Yes we will. Just send it to our email please: debsanderrol@gmail.com
And yes, I made another parody video for #Searchlight this time based on Modern Major General.
Errol: First off, can you send us a picture of you with #VoteGeek? That’d be awesome. Will we use it in public? Yes. Yes we will. Just send it to our email please: debsanderrol@gmail.com
And yes, I made a parody video for #Searchlight. Continue
Errol: First off, can you send us a picture of you with #VoteGeek? That’d be awesome. Will we use it in public? Yes. Yes we will. Just send it to our email please: debsanderrol@gmail.com Second off, there were two reader submissions. My apologies, we didn’t get a chance to ramp up to this. I blame… Continue