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Author Archives: Errol

Comic 488 – “Oil Change”

Comic 488 – “Oil Change”

Errol: The G33k Art show is today, and I had to get my oil changed because it was getting low and I have to drive to Kitchener. For those that don’t know Mark, he’s my guitarist who plays on the CD. He’s useful in the real world too: he fixes cars, does renovations, all sorts… Continue

Comic 486 – “IndieCanGo!”

Comic 486 – “IndieCanGo!”

Errol: Wednesday morning was a rollercoaster. First, our Nanomusical CD IndieGoGo Campaign didn’t work. We were seriously stressed and bummed out. Then it worked and we got over a $1000 dollars in under an hour! We were over the moon with excitement! And the above conversation is pretty much all true… except for my last… Continue

Comic 485 – “IndieNotGo”

Comic 485 – “IndieNotGo”

Errol: We’re having problems. *sigh* That’s one reason this comic is late. The other is that I slept in. Manpans thought I was dead. What an awful way to launch our Nanomusical CD campaign! And I didn’t have breakfast either. I’m hungry now. Edit: It’s up! Huzzah! 😀 And we already have over a $1000… Continue

Comic 481 – “CBC Interview”

Comic 481 – “CBC Interview”

  Errol: This is crazy exciting for me! CBC Here and Now is a local radio show and I’m on at 5:20 doing a live interview. I’m shocked I’m LIVE though! Huzzah! So excited. 😀 Manda:  Words cannot express my excitement right now.  I just realized though that I won’t be near a radio at… Continue

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