Super Audio Land II
Show on Friday, June 6. Lee’s Palace, Toronto! Continue
Show on Friday, June 6. Lee’s Palace, Toronto! Continue
Errol: According to Debs, and the D&E wiki (although Debs updates that wiki), D&E started on April 8, 2011. That’s two years ago. Wow. My sister has not seen a live concert and she is one of our biggest supporters. She is visiting next week and we desperately tried to find a venue but everything… Continue
Errol: Tonight is our gig with the Dandies at Black Swan. We spent last night learning a cover and we also wrote a parody song. You can probably guess which JoCo song we did, but I wonder if you can guess what the topic of the parody is about. Debs: HEY! I get the rhythm… Continue
Debs: METAL!!! Sapient and I wrote a song about the Vermicious Knids! To be fair, I didn’t sing. It was more like ornamental shouting. You can check out his metal madness here! Errol: I’ve been hearing that the last 3 Geeks In A Pod Episode, I was pretty … over the top. I think I was Errol-Level Happy. And… Continue
Errol: So much stuff. However, this Sunday is the Bakka Filk Circle in Toronto from 12 – 5:30pm, and then the Debs & Errol Google Hangout Concert at 7pm, and then 3 Geeks in a Pod at 8pm. A link will be provided, but more than likely will be at: http://debsanderrol.com/3gp Crazy. Debs: Well, except for… Continue
Errol: In addition to 3 Geeks In A Pod on Sunday, we will have a Google+ Live Streaming Concert! Unless Debs pulls out because I keep insulting her in these comics… Oh, you know what’s cool? I hope to sing a song with Leslie and another song with Kari at the Filk circle… Continue
Clipped from: con-g.com (share this clip) Errol: Huzzah! Look! There’s a splotlight on us for Con-G! Yes, I misspelled that, and it was a lot more fun that way. Let’s give them the gift of crazy D&E commenting. Continue
Errol: You know, people keep saying “off book” to me, and I still have to translate that in my head to mean “memorized”. All these foreign show terms I’m unfamiliar with… For those of you who do not know Kari Maaren, she also does a webcomic called West of Bathurst. And she played the ukulele… Continue
Errol: Poor Manpans… this is pretty much true again. She was getting nervous for us because we didn’t practice. Debs and I are used to that. Of course, I was still hungry, so Manpans and Debs did a quick run to get us food. They got back in time to see most of Kari’s concert!… Continue
Errol: Ok, this did not happen. I did not start yelling at people during the panel. But I was tempted at times. *laugh* I need to turn down the fandom. Oh, and it’s comic #480. That means, comic 500 is coming soon! What shall we do? Another comic submission? Do you have any suggestions?… Continue